Graduation Fair - Leader-2 (Jr. Staff) - Departemen Purchasing Mechanical (PUR-MCH)
Persyaratan :
- Pria/Wanita, belum menikah/berkeluarga.
- Lulusan tahun 2013-2015, jurusan Teknik Mesin (PUR-MCH), dengan IPK min. 2.65.
- Lancar berbahasa Inggris, lisan maupun tertulis.
- Bisa mengoperasikan komputer, min. MS-Office & Autocad, dan dapat membaca gambar teknik.
- Sehat jasmani, rohani dan tidak buta warna, siap bekerja dibawah tekanan.
- Bersedia mengikuti proses seleksi di PT. JVC Elactronics Indonesia (tentative).
Kawasan Industri Surya Cipta - Kabupaten Karawang
Jawa Barat 12345 Indonesia
Patrick Rat
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Teknik Informatika
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Teknik Informatika
Can you operate a computer, including Microsoft Office and AutoCAD, and are you able to read technical drawings?
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Global Entrepreneurial University
Does PT JVC Electronics Indonesia have specific requirements regarding marital status or family status for prospective employees? Telkom University
Teknik Informatika
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Telkom UNiversity
What is PT JVC Electronics Indonesia?